DIP-USB Powered-Arduino 4-tube IN-12 NIXIE Clock-Open Source Code

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USB Powered 4-tube IN-12 NIXIE Clock-DIP version

DIP DIY KIT,Fully Open source, Arduino C code


This is my first USB Powered NIXIE 4-tube Clock design,the prototype has been working for over half year, works great.
We use Atmega328 MCU and DS3231 RTC in this design.

Features(for reference only):
1.Fully Fully open source code(ARDUNIO Source code in pure C);
2.DIP components, all smd equipments like DS3231 chip has been attached to a small PCB as a module,easy to assemble;
3.Plug-able design,we use female socket pins to install IN-12 NIXIE tubes, thus you can install NIXIE tubes by hand;
4.USB Powered, almost no heat when working;
5.All 0~9 segs in 4pcs IN-14 tubes can be light up;
6.Pure C Arduino source code, easy to understand, you can change the code by yourself or port to other platform if you wanna;
7.It has leds under NIXIE tubes, light it up or not depends on your own code;



USB Powered


4-tube IN-12 NIXIE clock for ARDUINO


Assembly Instructions






For assembling the NIXIE clock you need to have the skill of soldering DIP components. We use a Hakko FX-888 Soldering Station (with CF2 Iron Head). We use 183(degree C)low melt temperature solder wire S60, 0.5mm(Dia.), Brand Almit.

For how to solder the DIP components, we recommend:



Please do not change any equipments of the KIT or you may not be able to get the KIT in working.

Because it contains no SMD components, so it is very easy for you to assemble, we recommend to check the circuit diagram carefully and follow the steps shown blow.

We do not recommend you to solder the components in random order or if it has problems you will need more time for de-soldering(*Will damage the PCB Pad) and debug, we recommend you follow the steps in this instructions  that you can do part test after finished each step.

For more info & update, please visit HTTP://vfdclock.jimdo.com

Or contact us: [email protected]

Thanks for choosing our product.


Building it


Well, because of the circuit is block based and not very complicated, all you need to do is get all the components in the right position and make sure no short or no float before you plug the power in. We will show the soldering steps blow.




1. Please print out the PCB installation diagram by yourself, the Circuit diagram is no need for soldering job, print it or not depends on you(Note: May only have the paper circuit diagram in the KIT with no digital version provide.);

2. Check all the components in the kit bag, make sure nothing is missing (You can do this on a A4 white copy paper);

3. We recommend using a soldering station and small soldering tip for soldering this kit (we use F2 or CF2 type tip). We recommend using ~180 type soldering tin for this job. Please do not use the high temperature soldering tin in this project or you will damage components or the PCB;

Step 1: USB Power In and HV part


Solder the [USB Power In] part next; This part contains a USB socket and Boost circuit.

For soldering the USB socket, we recommend solder the middle Pins first, then flip the PCB to the other side solder the two fixed side legs.

HV part is a SMD/DIP module,just solder on the pad,for SMD version,solder one pad first to locate the HV moudule,then solder the rest pads

Step 2: Solder the Electronic PINs for Neons and IC sockets



Recommend solder the Neons' PINS in the first place. You can plug the PINs on the top of the PCB then cover a had board like a small PCB or small wood board over the PINs, use two clamps to hold it with the main PCB, then flip the PCB. Now you can solder on the other side.
3 parts pins, 2 in the middle of PCB as colon, the other one is for PM-dot.

IC sockes are easy,just take care of the first leg direction.
Tips: Because of the PINs are through hole version, please solder it carefully and do not let the tin goes in to the inside of the pins or will damage the PINs. If necessary, you can plug a wood /bamboo toothpick in the PINs hole when soldering.

Step 3: HV module and HV lift part


In this step, you only need to solder one resistor and one diode and one HV supply module, usually the diode is the small glass one, the cathode side contains a black or others color mark, please do not go invert.


(And please use 1W resistor if you damaged the org one).

*The HV module may have different version and outlooks,like DIP version or SMD version,but in same function.

HV module (SMD version)
HV module (SMD version)
HV lift part
HV lift part

Step 4: OP(opto-coupler) Driver part


Now we can solder the OP driver part components. This part of the circuit contains 2pcs resistors (1k and 10k), and 4pcs of OP(optocoupler), just need to take care of the OP direction, do not go invert;

And because of the circuit connected to the High Voltage circuit, the 10K resistor in this part you need to use the big one(1/2w) resistor, do not use the small (1/6W or 1/8W) one, or the resistor will be damaged under high voltage and the circuit will not work stable;

Step 5: Chips part and rest misc part


The Chips part contains 2pcs DIP chips;These 2 DIP chips can be installed directly or installed by using the DIP socket(*May need to prepare the chip sockets by yourself!!!) depends on you. Please take care of the Chips direction;


Step 6: LED part


The LED part contains 4pcs LEDs and 4pcs resistors; please note that the LED should be installed on the top side of the PCB, and please solder the LED fast to prevent its be damaged;And please take care of the LEDs' direction, do not go invert(it contains one flat side);

The Led resistors may have different value for RED LED or Blue LED or others color LED, the RLED will be stored with the LEDs, usually the value is in 150R~330R range.

Step 7:NIXIE pins


Now we are going to solder the IN-12 PINS.Please flip the PCB to the front side,the PINS need to be installed on this side and please solder it on the middle part of the PINs;


First we recommend you plug the PINS in the IN-12 legs,then plug ALL the PINS to the install holds,plug it down to the middle part, then flip the PCB ,solder the PINs on the bottom side of PCB;


!!!Plase double check to see if all PINs are plugged to the middle part before you solder the PINs!!!

Step 7: First Testing


After finished all the steps shown up, please recheck it to see if has no error on PCB.

Now we can plug the USB power in, if all fine, the NIXIE tubes will display the time.

If has error, or the PCB did not work, please recheck the circuit block by block to see if it has any shot or float on PCB.

Step 8: Cleaning Circuit Board


You can use the household rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush to remove the solder flux on the PCB.

If available, the anhydrous alcohol (used for electronics cleaning) works much faster. Blot the cleaned area with a non-linting tissue (like Kimwipes EX-L) or a clean towel or you can do it in your own way.

Step 9: Buttons and Buzzer etc.

Because of Buttons and Buzzer etc. can not be washed, we need to solder 3pcs Keys and 1pcs Buzzer after cleaning the PCB.


Buzzer output part needs to face the outside of PCB, one long leg is [+] leg, do not go invert.


If the Buttons are one side two pins version,just solder it directly on PCB,if the Buttons are two side 4pins version,cut one side 2 pins off buy yourself,and band it flat the other side of 2pins then solder it and cut it short(or cut it short first before soldering);


Also do not forget to plug 2pcs neon bulbs in the female sockets as middle colon,and cut the rest of legs on the bottom side.

Step 9: Extras


There are UART and AVR SPI port has been designed on PCb, if you need to use these functions, solder PINs by yourself.(*Prepare STD. 1*4 PINs(UART) and(or) 2*3 Pins(SPI) by yourself.)


How to set time






After USB Power ON,the clock will display the time.


Now it is in the [Time display Mode] and there are 3 keys on the right side of the clock,[MODE],[+]and[-];




Single click the [MODE] key,will switch to [Set Hour mode], tubes will display [01:xx],then you can click the [+]/[-] key to adjust the current hour;




Single clock the [MODE] key again,will switch to [Set Minute mode], tubes will display [02:xx],then you can click the [+]/[-] key to adjust the current minutes;




Single clock the [MODE] key again,will switch to [Set Time Format mode], tubes will display [03:xx],then you can click the [+]/[-] key to adjust the current timne format like in 24/12hours mode,etc.;




Single clock the [MODE] key again,the clock will back to the [Time Display Mode];








When in [Time display Mode],if you click the [+] key can switch display in between HH:MM and MM:SS format,click [-] key can turn the LED ON/OFF;




Slotmachine eff will be triggered in every 10 mins automatically.


Source code and instructions for In-12 4-tube open source DIY KIT
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